@article{oai:ishikawa-pu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000136, author = {上田, 哲行 and UEDA, Tetsuyuki and 架谷, 成美 and 西屋, 馨 and 宮川, 泰平 and 嶋田, 敬介 and 福富, 宏和 and 水田, 陽斗 and 酒井, 亮輝 and HASATANI, Shigeyuki and NISHIYA, Kaoru and MIYAKAWA, Taihei and SHIMADA, Keisuke and FUKUTOMI, Hirokazu and MIZUTA, Akito and SAKAI, Ryouki}, journal = {石川県立大学研究紀要, Bulletin of Ishikawa Prefectural University}, month = {Mar}, note = {絶滅危惧種イカリモンハンミョウは、日本では九州と本州だけに分布する。本州では能登半島の1カ所の海岸にのみ生息する。能登半島では一時絶滅したと考えられていたが、1994 年に現生息地の海岸で再発見された。2012 年から2018 年に行った成虫調査では、再発見当初1800 頭近い個体数が記録されていた海岸北部で最初の3年間はほとんど発見されない状態が続き、その後、緩やかに増え始め2018 年に急増したことが確認された。海岸南部と中央部では、最初の2年間は発見当初とほぼ同じ個体数が維持されており、2014 年から急速に増えたことが確認された。このように能登半島の個体群は、ここ数年は増加傾向にあるが、2010 年前後の著しい個体数低下がボトルネックとなり、遺伝的多様性が低下していることが示唆されている。, The coastal tiger beetle Abroscelis anchoralis punctatissima is a threatened species in Japan and is distributed in Kyushu and Honshu. In Honshu, it is currently present only on a sandy beach approximately 3 km in length on the Noto Peninsula. In the 1980s, this species was thought to be extinct on the Noto Peninsula until it was rediscovered in its current habitat in 1994. To clarify the current situation of the species, we surveyed the abundance of adult beetles on the beach from 2012 to 2018. During the first three years, we found few adult beetles in the northern section of the beach where approximately 1800 beetles were counted in 1995. In the middle and the south sections of the beach, the adult numbers did not show a decrease, but the numbers were not large from the beginning, i.e . approximately 1/5 and 1/10 of those in the northern section in 1995. The adult numbers gradually increased from 2015 in the northern section, and rapidly increased from 2014 in the south and from 2015 in the middle. Thus, although this species has increased in last few years, it was confirmed that the adult numbers in the habitat significantly decreased in the early 2010s. Therefore, the genetic variation of the population, which may have been reduced by the bottleneck, requires further investigation.}, pages = {1--10}, title = {能登半島のイカリモンハンミョウ個体群における7年間の個体数変動}, volume = {2}, year = {2019}, yomi = {ウエダ, テツユキ and ハサタニ, シゲユキ and ニシヤ, カオル and ミヤカワ, タイヘイ and シマダ, ケイスケ and フクトミ, ヒロカズ and ミズタ, アキト and サカイ, リョウキ} }