@article{oai:ishikawa-pu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000076, author = {辻井, 博 and TSUJII, Hiroshi}, journal = {石川県立大学年報, [Ishikawa Prefectural University] Annual Report}, month = {Mar}, note = {This paper will show by economic and statistical analyses how Japan’s participation to the TPP deteriorates Japanese agriculture, especially rice sector, and decreases tremendously rice self-sufficiency of Japan. This is collapse of food security of Japan. Consequently, Japanese rice import must increase greatly, by the amount of about 7 million tons. This amount is considerably large in the special world rice trade market isolated in monsoon Asia on the globe. Thus, Japan’s large rice import will lead to a sharp rise in the world rice price by more than 100 percent. Rice is an important staple food for Asian people among which about 6 billion people are in the condition of hunger now. My economic and statistical calculation shows that this sharp increase in the world rice price will increase the hungry by 2.7 billion. This is collapse of food security in Asian countries. Based on these analyses, I believe that Japan should not participate with the TPP.}, pages = {18--27}, title = {日本のTPP 参加がもたらすモンスーン・アジア諸国の食料安全保障破綻}, volume = {22}, year = {2011}, yomi = {ツジイ, ヒロシ} }