@article{oai:ishikawa-pu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000099, author = {石倉, 瑞恵 and ISHIKURA, Mizue}, journal = {石川県立大学年報, [Ishikawa Prefectural University] Annual Report}, month = {Oct}, note = {The article analyzed the barrier that the women encounter by a process aiming at a researcher, and clarified the factor of the gender differential lying in Czech universities. There are difficulties for female researchers to join the technical field and to promote in the research structure. There exist womenʼs marginality and menʼs hegemony in Czech higher education and in Czech society. It was partly because the freedom to express opinion had been taken away from all the Czech people under the socialist regime, and because there has been no chance for women to insist on their request up to now. As far as there are no chances to listen to female opinions and to lead women-and-menʼs conscious change, the gender differential does not disappear.}, pages = {59--67}, title = {チェコの女性研究者をとりまくジェンダー格差に関する考察―社会主義の功罪を中心に―}, volume = {28}, year = {2017}, yomi = {イシクラ, ミズエ} }